Ymylon y Rheidol / Verges of the Rheidol


Mae pobl a chymunedau…

yn dioddef o ddatgysylltiad, oddi wrth ein gilydd a chylchoedd bwyd, ffermio, natur a diwylliant. Ar hyd yr afon Rheidol yng Ngheredigion, Cymru, bydd ein prosiect yn archwilio a herio'r datgysylltiad hwn.

Bydd gweithdai, troeon ar hyd yr afon, a sgyrsiau dros gatiau i gyd yn bwydo i mewn i brosiect sydd wedi'i gyd-greu, a gobeithiwn cewch eich ysbrydoli i gymryd rhan - gweler isod am gyfleoedd.

Rydym yn gobeithio bydd y prosiect yn llywio'r gwaith o lunio polisïau, wrth i ni dreialu gwahanol ddulliau o ymgysylltu â'r gymuned, gwrando a rhannu, gan ddefnyddio celf fel cyfrwng i greu lleoliadau diogel i wrando, a chynnal trafodaeth.

People and communities…

are often disconnected, from each other and the cycles of food, farming, nature and culture. This project takes place along the Rheidol river in Ceredigion, Wales, to explore and challenge this disconnect.

Workshops, walks, and one-to-one conversations over field gates will all feed into a co-created project, and we hope you’ll be inspired to get involved – see below for more.

We intend the project to inform policy-making, as we trial different methods of community engagement, listening and sharing, using art as a medium for listening and creating spaces for discussion.


Casglu • Dysgu • Perthyn

Collecting • Learning • Belonging


Llun/photo: @AliceBriggs

Yr afon

Mae'r afon Rheidol yn rhedeg am bedair milltir ar bymtheg o darddiad Pumlumon ym Mynyddoedd Cambria, i'r môr yn Aberystwyth. Mae'n byrlymu i fyny trwy'r corsydd mawn ac yn mynd trwy'r ucheldiroedd dibobloged, heibio tomennau rwbel ac adfeilion mwyndoddi lle'r oedd miloedd o bobl yn byw yn ystod ffyniant mwyngloddio, o dan fferm wynt a thrwy'r argae trydan dŵr, gan dorri trwy ffridd garw a thir ffermio ffrwythlon. Mae llwybrau troed a phontydd yn ymuno â hi ac yn ei chroesi, yn pasio rhandiroedd a choetiroedd cymunedol, yn rhedeg wrth ochr y trên a'r gefnffordd, ac yn llifo allan i Fae Ceredigion trwy'r harbwr yn Aberystwyth.

Mae'r afon yn cysylltu'r cymunedau amrywiol y mae'n rhedeg drwyddynt, gwledig a threfol, ffermio a hamdden, llawer o gynefinoedd a mathau o dirwedd. Rydym yn bwriadu i'r prosiect adeiladu ar y cysylltiadau a'r gwahaniaethau hyn.

Beth ysbrydolodd y prosiect hwn?

Prin fu'r prosiectau diweddar yn y celfyddydau sy'n targedu ucheldiroedd y Cambria. Rydyn yn rwystredig gyda sut mae’r amgylchedd a'r economi yn cael ei llywodraethau tu hwnt o’n ardal lleol, gyda ymdrechion adfywio’r ardal yn seiliedig ar fiwrocratiaeth. Cyn effeithiau Covid-19, nododd Brexit fel bwynt o newid, gan fygwth y diwydiant ffermio defaid, diwylliant yr ucheldir a'r iaith Gymraeg, tra bod newid hinsawdd wedi gorfodi adolygiad o'n perthynas â natur.

Creodd Alice Briggs arddangosfa Defaid a symposiwm Tirweddau'r Dyfodol (Mai 2019) yn Amgueddfa Ceredigion a hwylusodd sgyrsiau anodd am y pynciau hyn ymhlith ystod eang o randdeiliaid. Wnaeth hyn arwain at ffurfio Cynefin, (cynghrair o ymarferwyr tir) ac Ymarfer y Bobl (gan ddefnyddio dull sy'n gallu symbylu rhannu a newid gwybodaeth yn sylweddol). Cafodd yr adroddiad a ddilynodd (Briggs 2020) ei bwydo mewn i adolygiad Rheoli Tir Llywodraeth Cymru.

Llun/photo: @AliceBriggs

The river

The Rheidol river runs nineteen miles from the source of Pumlimon in the Cambrian Mountains, to the sea at Aberystwyth. It bubbles up through the peat bogs and passes through the depopulated uplands, past spoil heaps and smelting ruins where thousands of people lived during mining booms, below a windfarm and through the hydroelectrical dam, cutting through rough ffridd and fertile farmland. It is joined and crossed by footpaths and bridges, passes allotments and community woodlands, runs alongside the train line and trunk road, and flows out into Cardigan Bay through the harbour at Aberystwyth.

The river links the diverse communities it runs through, rural and urban, farming and leisure, many habitats and landscape types. We intend for the project to build on these connections and differences.

What inspired this project?

There have been few recent projects in the arts that target the Cambrian uplands. We are frustrated with top-down governance of the environment and economy and a bureaucracy-heavy place-based regeneration effort. Before the impacts of Covid-19, Brexit marked a point of change, threatening the sheep farming industry, upland culture and the Welsh language, whilst climate change has forced a review of our relations with nature.

Alice-Briggs created the Sheep exhibition at Ceredigion Museum, and the Future Landscapes symposium (May 2019) which facilitated difficult conversations about these topics. This led to the formation of Cynefin, (an alliance of land practitioners) and People’s Practice (using a tool which can radically galvanise knowledge sharing and change). The resulting report (Briggs 2020) fed into the Welsh Government Land Management review.

Llun/Photo @quick.zoe

Amdan y grŵp

Rydym yn grŵp o fenywod, yn byw ar hyd yr afon. Rydym yn gweithio yn y byd academaidd, addysg gelfyddydol, ymrwymiad cymunedol, a hydwythedd bwyd, ac rydym hefyd yn rhieni, nofwyr, garddwyr, cerddwyr, nyddwyr, syrffwyr, a llawer o bethau eraill. Mae'r prosiect hwn yn tarddu o cyd-barch am waith ein gilydd ac ein hangerdd a thosturi tuag at wynebu'r dasg o ymateb i ddatgysylltiad ac effeithio ar bolisi.

Rydym yn ddiolchgar ein bod wedi cael ein hariannu gan gronfa Cysylltu a Ffynnu Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, sy'n cefnogi cydweithrediadau arloesol, uchelgeisiol sy'n tynnu mewn ac yn cysylltu cymunedau.

Rydym am:

● Archwilio ac ymateb yn greadigol tuag at gysylltiadau rhwng cymunedau ar hyd yr afon Rheidol

● Helpu i greu Cymru wledig hydwyth trwy arloesi ac arddangos arferion adfywiol ac ailddefnyddio / ailgylchu, ac archwilio atebion ar y cyd i golled bioamrywiaeth a'r argyfwng hinsawdd

● Meithrin perthnasoedd ac arferion rhwng cenedlaethau

● Dysgu dull o ddeialog artistig fel ffordd i adeiladu ymddiriedaeth gymunedol a dysgu ar y cyd

● Hyrwyddo Cymru iachach, gan ddyfnhau cysylltiadau ein cymuned â thir, bwyd a'i gilydd

● Annog economi ddychmygus, gadarnhaol a chreadigol yng Nghanolbarth Cymru

● Dathlu crefft menywod a llafur ymylol trwy ail-ystyried arferion traddodiadol

● Creu llais grym ar y cyd i sgwrsio â sefydliadau cenedlaethol / byd-eang

Food is life

This project looks to invite a deepening and sharing of connections to landscape and local heritage through events, workshops and performances that re-engage old customs of gleaning, and summon participatory practices of food growing, preparation and storytelling.

Bwyd yw bywyd

Mae'r prosiect hwn yn ceisio dyfnhau a rhannu cysylltiadau â thirwedd a threftadaeth leol trwy ddigwyddiadau, gweithdai a pherfformiadau sy'n ail-ymgysylltu hen arferion casglu, ac arferion cyfranogol o dyfu a pharatoi bwyd ac adrodd straeon.

Llun/photo: @SeasideDonkey

About the group

We are an all-female collective, living near the various stages of the river. We work in academia, arts education, community engagement and food resilience, and are also parents, swimmers, gardeners, walkers, spinners, surfers, and many other things. Through a mutual respect for each other’s work and passion and compassion for addressing disconnect and affecting policy, we have brought this project into being.

We are grateful to have been funded by the Arts Council of Wales’s Connect and Flourish fund, which supports innovative, ambitious collaborations that engage and connect communities.

We want to:

● Creatively connect communities and explore links along the Rheidol river

● Help create a resilient rural Wales by pioneering and showcasing regenerative and resuse/recycle practices, and collectively explore solutions to biodiversity loss and the climate crisis

● Nurture intergenerational relationships and practices

● Teach a method of artistic dialogue as a way to build community trust and shared learning

● Promote a healthier Wales, deepening our community’s connections to land, food and each other

● Encourage an imaginative, positive, creative Mid Wales economy

● Celebrate women’s craft and marginalised labour by reanimating traditional practices

● Empower a collective voice to converse with national/global institutions and organisations

Llun/photo: @AliceBriggs


Ein diwrnod yn dod i adnabod Coed Geufron, coedwig Goed Cadw, gyda gweithdai celf, crefft ac adrodd straeon

Our day getting to know the Woodland Trust’s Coed Geufron, with art, craft and storytelling workshops

Perthyn / Belonging

Scroll down for English 👇

Digwyddiad: Archwilio Coed Geufron

10.30yb -3.30yp
Dydd Gwener 25 Chwefror

Am ddim, croeso i bawb!

Creu siarcol, llifo gyda deunyddiau wedi'u porthi, naddu pren, adeiladu mainc, troelli, lwybrau creadigol, rhannu straeon a cherddoriaeth

Dewch â chinio i chi'ch hun neu i'w rannu, a fydd byrbrydau gan Fwyd Dros Ben Aber

🚶🏾 🏃‍♂️ 👩🏼‍🦽 👉 Ymunwch â'n bws cerdded, o gatiau Rhodfa Plascrug am 10yb

Neu dewch drwy bŵer dynol arall? Rhedeg, beicio, caiacio! Mae Coed Geufron, coetir Coed Cadw, yn ddeg munud ar hyd llwybr yr afon o Morissons


Event: Exploring Coed Geufron

Free, all welcome!

10.30am -3.30pm
Friday 25th Feb

Join us in Coed Geufron, along the river Rheidol, for a day of drop-in workshops

Charcoal-making and drawing with @alicebriggs, dyeing with foraged materials with @quick.zoe, whittling, bench-making, spinning, creative trails, stories and music

Bring lunch for yourself or to share, plus snacks from Aber Food Surplus

Find out more about Summit to Sea

🚶🏾 🏃‍♂️ 👩🏼‍🦽 👉 Join the walking bus, leaving from Plascrug Avenue gates at 10am

Or come by other human power! Run, cycle, kayak! Coed Geufron, a Woodland Trust wood, is ten mins walk along the river path from Morrisons


Exploring the role of Community Podcast

18:00 - 19:30, Tuesday, 15th Feb / Mawrth, 15fed Chwe

Join us on Zoom

Discussing the who, what and how of getting started, and sharing what you want to hear from your community?

With Lucy Dearlove, host of long-running and award-winning food podcast Lecker, and audio industry specialist

Register in advance for this meeting by following this link


Archwilio rôl Podlediad Cymunedol

18:00 - 19:30, Tuesday, 15th Feb / Mawrth, 15fed Chwe

Ar Zoom

Trafodaeth am bwy, beth a sut i gychwyn, a gwahoddiad i chi rhannu be hoffech chi eisiau clywed o’ch cymuned?

Gyda Lucy Dearlove, cyflwynydd podlediad bwyd hirhoedlog ac arobryn Lecker, ac arbenigwr yn y diwydiant sain

Cofrestrwch cyn y cyfarfod drwy ddilyn y linc:



Llun/photo: @quick.zoe

Gweithdy celf galw heibio / Drop-in art workshops

Ymunwch â ni yn Aberystwyth i glywed am y prosiect a chymryd rhan yn creu celf â rhai o ddeunyddiau crai’r Rheidol! A bwyd wedi'i achub a choginio gan Fwyd Dros Ben Aber.

Mae croeso i bob oed a gallu.

PRYD? 10yb – 4yp, Dydd Sadwrn 22 Ionawr

BLE? Hwb Bwyd Dros Ben Aber, Ffynnon Haearn, Aberystwyth


1. Gweithdy bore: 10.00yb - 12.00yp

Y tu mewn, gyda'r artist Alice Briggs

Gweithdy celf galw heibio, yn defnyddio deunyddiau naturiol, cyanotypes, siarcol a mwd! Byddwn yn archwilio hanes ac atgofion y Rheidol, felly dewch i rannu eich straeon.

2. Gweithdy drwy'r dydd: 10.00am - 14.00pm

Awyr agored gyda'r artist Zoe Quick

Dewch i droelli gwlân y #Rheidol, a rhannwch eich hanesion am ddefaid a #gwlân ar hyd yr #afon.

🐏 🐑 🐏 🐑 🐏 🐑

Drop-in art workshops

Join us in Aberystwyth to hear about the project and get involved with some of the raw materials of the Rheidol! Plus food saved and cooked up by Aber Food Surplus.

All ages and abilities welcome.

WHEN? 10am – 4pm, Saturday 22nd January

WHERE? Aber Food Surplus Hub, Chalybeate St, Aberystwyth


1. Morning workshop: 10.00am - 12.00pm

Inside, with artist @alicebriggs

A drop-in #art #workshop using natural materials, cyanotypes, charcoal and mud! We’ll be exploring the history and memories of the Rheidol, so come and share your stories.

2. All-day workshop: 10.00am - 14.00pm

Outdoors with artist @quick.zoe

Come and have a go at spinning some #Rheidol #wool - spin a yarn and tell us your tales of #sheep and wool along the #river.

🐏 🐑 🐏 🐑 🐏 🐑

Llun/Photo: @quick.zoe

Rhannwch eich trysorau Rheidol i'n troffa WhatsApp

Beth mae'r afon, y dyffryn, y bryn neu'r harbwr yn ei olygu i chi? Eich atgofion, brasluniau, recordiadau sain, ffotograffau, clipiau fideo neu feddyliau - byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych, a byddwn yn rhannu eich cyfraniadau yma ac ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol. Byddem hefyd yn falch glywed eich syniadau ar yr hyn y gallai'r prosiect hwn ei gynnig.

Drop your Rheidol treasures into our WhatsApp trove

What do the river, valley, hill or harbour mean to you? Your memories, sketches, sound recordings, photos, video clips or thoughts - we’d love to hear from you, and will share your contributions here and on social media. We'd also love your ideas on what this project could offer.

Llun/photo: @AliceBriggs

Defnyddio ein hashnod

Defnyddiwch #ymylonyrheidol ar Instagram a byddwn yn ail-bostio yno ac yma, gan gasglu ac adlewyrchu eich golwg o'r dyffryn.

Use our hashtag

Use #vergesoftherheidol on Instagram and we’ll repost there and here, gathering and reflecting your eye view of the valley.

Alice BriggsMae Alice Briggs yn artist/curadur gydag arbenigedd celfyddydol mewn iechyd. Mae hi newydd ddechrau cymrodoriaeth gelfyddydol dros ddwy flynedd gyda Sefydliad Freelands gydag oriel g39 ac mae wedi ennill bwrsariaeth CCC ar gyfer Clore Leadership Pulse 2021. Curadodd Alice yr arddangosfa 'Defaid' yn Amgueddfa Ceredigion, ac mae wedi cyd-guradu prosiectau gyda chymunedau Ceredigion ers deuddeg mlynedd. Cafodd 'Defaid' 'Ganmoliaeth Uchel' yn y Gwobrwyon Amgueddfeydd a Threftadaeth Cenedlaethol 2020. Fe'i defnyddiwyd mewn astudiaethau achos ar gyfer Swyddfa Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru, ac ymgyrch 'Amgueddfeydd sy'n Newid Bywydau' Cymdeithas yr Amgueddfeydd.⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤Alice Briggs is an artist/curator with an arts-in-health specialism. She has just begun a two year arts fellowship with Freelands Foundation with g39 gallery and a ACW bursary for Clore Leadership Pulse 2021. Alice curated the “Sheep” exhibition at Ceredigion Museum, and has cocurated projects with the Ceredigion Community for twelve years. “Sheep” received a “Highly Commended at the National Musuem & Heritage Awards 2020. It has been used in Future Generations Commissioner’s Office Wales, and the Museum Association “Museums Change Lives” campaign.

Alice Briggs

Mae Alice Briggs yn artist/curadur gydag arbenigedd celfyddydol mewn iechyd. Mae hi newydd ddechrau cymrodoriaeth gelfyddydol dros ddwy flynedd gyda Sefydliad Freelands gydag oriel g39 ac mae wedi ennill bwrsariaeth CCC ar gyfer Clore Leadership Pulse 2021. Curadodd Alice yr arddangosfa 'Defaid' yn Amgueddfa Ceredigion, ac mae wedi cyd-guradu prosiectau gyda chymunedau Ceredigion ers deuddeg mlynedd. Cafodd 'Defaid' 'Ganmoliaeth Uchel' yn y Gwobrwyon Amgueddfeydd a Threftadaeth Cenedlaethol 2020. Fe'i defnyddiwyd mewn astudiaethau achos ar gyfer Swyddfa Comisiynydd Cenedlaethau'r Dyfodol Cymru, ac ymgyrch 'Amgueddfeydd sy'n Newid Bywydau' Cymdeithas yr Amgueddfeydd.


Alice Briggs is an artist/curator with an arts-in-health specialism. She has just begun a two year arts fellowship with Freelands Foundation with g39 gallery and a ACW bursary for Clore Leadership Pulse 2021. Alice curated the “Sheep” exhibition at Ceredigion Museum, and has cocurated projects with the Ceredigion Community for twelve years. “Sheep” received a “Highly Commended at the National Musuem & Heritage Awards 2020. It has been used in Future Generations Commissioner’s Office Wales, and the Museum Association “Museums Change Lives” campaign.

Zoe QuickMae Zoë Quick, pensaer, artist ac addysgwr, yn dod â phrofiad sylweddol o weithio gydag archifau, tirweddau a sefydliadau diwylliannol, ac arwain gweithdai adrodd straeon, ysgrifennu a thecstilau cydweithredol. Mae ei doethuriaeth a arweinir gan ymarfer presennol yn ail-greu’r arfer Gymreig o ‘gwlana’, fel modd o fynd i'r afael â thrafodaeth dros yr ucheldiroedd.⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤Zoe Quick, an architect, artist and educator, brings considerable experience in working with cultural archives, landscapes and institutions, and leading collaborative storytelling, writing and textile workshops. Her current practice-led PhD re-enacts the Welsh custom gwalana, as a means to address debate over the uplands.

Zoë Quick

Mae Zoë Quick, pensaer, artist ac addysgwr, yn dod â phrofiad sylweddol o weithio gydag archifau, tirweddau a sefydliadau diwylliannol, ac arwain gweithdai adrodd straeon, ysgrifennu a thecstilau cydweithredol. Mae ei doethuriaeth a arweinir gan ymarfer presennol yn ail-greu’r arfer Gymreig o ‘gwlana’, fel modd o fynd i'r afael â thrafodaeth dros yr ucheldiroedd.


Zoë Quick, an architect, artist and educator, brings experience in working with cultural archives, landscapes and institutions, and leading collaborative storytelling, writing and textile workshops. Her current practice-led PhD re-enacts the Welsh custom gwlana, as a means to address debate over the uplands.

Siân Stacey, O’r Mynydd i’r Môr / Summit to SeaNod O’r Mynydd i'r Môr yw datblygu arferion rheoli tir cydweithredol sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd sy'n cefnogi ecosystemau iach ac amrywiol ar draws ffiniau eiddo ac yn sicrhau manteision economaidd, ecolegol a chymdeithasol sy'n briodol i'r ardal.⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤Summit to the Sea is a co-created project developing place-based collaborative land-management practices which support healthy and diverse ecosytems across property boundaries and deliver economic, ecological and social benefits appropriate to the locality. Project manager Sian Stacey brings to the Verges collective the experience of building a successful co-created project from a community partnership struggling due to lack of consultation and listening.

Siân Stacey, O’r Mynydd i’r Môr / Summit to Sea

Nod O’r Mynydd i'r Môr yw datblygu arferion rheoli tir cydweithredol sy'n seiliedig ar leoedd sy'n cefnogi ecosystemau iach ac amrywiol ar draws ffiniau eiddo ac yn sicrhau manteision economaidd, ecolegol a chymdeithasol sy'n briodol i'r ardal. Mae rheolwr y prosiect, Siân Stacey, yn dod â'r profiad o adeiladu prosiect llwyddiannus wedi'i gyd-greu o bartneriaeth gymunedol ar ôl cyfnod anodd oherwydd diffyg ymgynghori a gwrando.


Summit to the Sea is a co-created project developing place-based collaborative land-management practices which support healthy and diverse ecosytems across property boundaries and deliver economic, ecological and social benefits appropriate to the locality. Project manager Siân Stacey brings to the Verges collective the experience of building a successful co-created project from a community partnership struggling due to lack of consultation and listening.

Laura Cooper o Aber Food SurplusLaura is passionate about ethical food and sustainable living; saving seed, growing edible plants and soil health - and she has recently been introduced to the fascinating world of fermenting and pickling! When Laura is not planting or pickling, she is working on obtaining her Masters in Sustainable Food Systems with the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). Laura believes the academic base she is developing at CAT will fuel her ambitions of making access to sustainably produced, healthy and nutritious food available to all.

Laura Cooper o Aber Food Surplus

Mae Laura yn angerddol am fwyd moesegol a byw'n gynaliadwy; arbed hadau, tyfu planhigion bwytadwy ac iechyd pridd - ac yn ddiweddar mae hi wedi cael ei chyflwyno i fyd hynod ddiddorol eplesu a phiclo! Pan nad yw Laura yn plannu nac yn piclo, mae'n gweithio ar gael ei gradd Meistr mewn Systemau Bwyd Cynaliadwy gyda'r Ganolfan y Dechnoleg Amgen (CAT). Cred Laura y bydd y sylfaen academaidd y mae'n ei datblygu yn CAT yn tanio ei huchelgeisiau o sicrhau bod mynediad at fwyd iach a maethlon a gynhyrchir yn gynaliadwy ar gael i bawb.


Laura is passionate about ethical food and sustainable living; saving seed, growing edible plants and soil health - and she has recently been introduced to the fascinating world of fermenting and pickling! When Laura is not planting or pickling, she is working on obtaining her Masters in Sustainable Food Systems with the Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT). Laura believes the academic base she is developing at CAT will fuel her ambitions of making access to sustainably produced, healthy and nutritious food available to all.

Hannah EngelkampHannah Engelkamp is marketing lead and creative practitioner, who writes about slow travel, land, belonging, sustainability and motherhood. She walked around Wales with a donkey called Chico and became one of the Guardian’s top ten female adventurers, but writes constantly about modern adventure’s colonialist roots. Her Tedx talk about off-grid mothering set in motion the themes of her forthcoming book, funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Through an addled diary format she explores close up her family’s conflicted domestication and yearning for wildness, with a backdrop of Welsh upland sheep farming and the emergence of rewilding.

Hannah Engelkamp

Mae Hannah Engelkamp yn arweinydd marchnata ac ymarferydd creadigol ar y prosiect, sy'n ysgrifennu am deithio araf, tir, perthyn, cynaliadwyedd a mamolaeth. Cerddodd o amgylch Cymru gydag asyn o’r enw Chico a daeth yn un o ddeg anturiaethwr benywaidd gorau’r Guardian, ond mae’n ysgrifennu’n gyson am wreiddiau trefedigaethol antur oes fodern. Mae ei sgwrs Tedx am famu oddi ar y grid yn gosod themâu ei llyfr sydd ar ddod, a ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Trwy fformat dyddiadur dryslyd, mae'n archwilio dofi anfodlon a hiraeth ei theulu am wylltineb, wedi gosod ar gefndir o ffermio defaid ucheldir Cymru ac ymddangosiad ail-wylltio.


Hannah Engelkamp is marketing lead and creative practitioner, who writes about slow travel, land, belonging, sustainability and motherhood. She walked around Wales with a donkey called Chico and became one of the Guardian’s top ten female adventurers, but writes constantly about modern adventure’s colonialist roots. Her Tedx talk about off-grid mothering set in motion the themes of her forthcoming book, funded by the Arts Council of Wales. Through an addled diary format she explores close up her family’s conflicted domestication and yearning for wildness, with a backdrop of Welsh upland sheep farming and the emergence of rewilding.

Heather MacClure o Aber Food SurplusMae Aber Food Surplus (partner arweiniol) yn sefydliad gwerin gwlad sy'n gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr a rhanddeiliaid cymunedol i gynyddu gwydnwch systemau bwyd lleol a darparu lluniaeth iach ac elw teg i ffermwyr. Fe'u cydnabuwyd yn ddiweddar gan Wobrau Aber yn Gyntaf am ymgysylltu’r gymuned gyda thyfu.⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤Aber Food Surplus (lead partner Heather ) is a grass roots social enterprise it has been building links with the town for the last six years working with communities and stakeholders to increase local-food-systems-resilience and provide healthy diets and a fair return for farmers. they were recently recognised by Aber First Awards for engaging the community in growing. With an established and expanding volunteer network they bring a wealth of diverse contacts to the project.

Heather MacClure o Aber Food Surplus

Mae Aber Food Surplus (partner arweiniol) yn sefydliad gwerin gwlad sy'n gweithio gyda gwirfoddolwyr a rhanddeiliaid cymunedol i gynyddu gwydnwch systemau bwyd lleol a darparu lluniaeth iach ac elw teg i ffermwyr. Fe'u cydnabuwyd yn ddiweddar gan Wobrau Aber yn Gyntaf am ymgysylltu’r gymuned gyda thyfu.


Aber Food Surplus (lead partner Heather ) is a grass roots social enterprise it has been building links with the town for the last six years working with communities and stakeholders to increase local-food-systems-resilience and provide healthy diets and a fair return for farmers. they were recently recognised by Aber First Awards for engaging the community in growing. With an established and expanding volunteer network they bring a wealth of diverse contacts to the project.

Sandra Bendelow is Creative Producer on Verges of the Rheidol, she is a scriptwriter, producer and teaches scriptwriting for Lifelong Learning at Aberystwyth University. She currently also works as Festival Manager at Beyond the Border Storytelling F

Sandra Bendelow

Sandra Bendelow yw cynhyrchydd creadigol y prosiect. Mae hi'n ysgrifennwr sgriptiau, cynhyrchydd, a hefyd yn dysgu ysgrifennu sgriptiau ar gyfer Dysgu Gydol Oes ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Ar hyn o bryd mae hi hefyd yn gweithio fel rheolwr ar gyfer Gŵyl Chwedleua Ryngwladol Cymru yn Ninefwr, maes yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol. Mae ei phrosiectau ysgrifennu cyfredol yn cynnwys Murmurations of Secrets, prosiect transmedia am gyfrinachau mewn cymunedau o safbwynt curadur hanes lleol yn 2052 sydd wedi penderfynu y dylem ganolbwyntio ar y presennol ac nid y gorffennol. Cafodd Murmurations gomisiwn 'haden' gan National Theatre Wales.


Sandra Bendelow is the project’s creative producer. She is a scriptwriter, producer and teaches scriptwriting for Lifelong Learning at Aberystwyth University. She currently also works as Festival Manager at Beyond the Border Storytelling Festival at National Trust Dinefwr. Her current writing projects include Murmurations of Secrets, a transmedia project about secrets in communities from the perspective of a local history curator in 2052 who has decided we should focus on the present and not the past. Murmurations was seed commissioned by National Theatre Wales.


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